Sand and Ocean
Round inflatable, / Colored white, red, and yellow; / Beach entertainment.
Home with no walls
Shopping cart; her own / In warmth, sleeping easily / Her home with no walls.
Recycled Trash
Discarded wrapper / Faithful protector no more / Desired by small hands
In the days of gods / Honor, love, and valor ruled / Humanity’s fate
Eleven this day / Eleven this month and year / Good luck on this hour!
Up Late
Lights off, empty house / Every corner painted black / Sleep is slow to fall
For the 1%
Occupy Wall street / A movement shared by many / Benefits us all! @OccupyWallSt
Morning After
Rain soaked fence and street / Warm sunlight through scattered clouds / Cold air; dancing mist
World Politics
Lawmakers squabble, / Citizens occupy streets. / Summits held in Cannes
Package delivered / Tape and cardboard tossed aside / Hidden treasures free!