Victor or Victim?
Creeping quietly / Cricket cautious; frog sees lunch / Sticky tongue darts out
The Walking Sounds
Shoes crunch, shoes crinkle / Bag jingles, sways side to side / Scrub jay sings a screech
Squirrel Nest
Hallowed out tree trunk / Hidden homeowner headache / Comfy woodland home
AAA is my friend
Battery is dead / Companion through these four years / Replaced with such speed!
Living Room Scents
Heat fills open space / Pot filled, ready for basting / Aroma infused
Journey to the Center
Thin foil wraps around / Hollow center; chocolate egg / Center holds treasures
What Dreams May Fall
Inspiration waves / Across the canyon of dreams / I tightrope to cross
California Storms
Dark clouds; blowing wind / Birds dart to shelters unknown / Liquid life pours down
The winter quiet / Snow drifts blue in evening light / One small mouse sets out
Moon over Moscow
Misty shades of silk / Flowing over northern sky / The moon seduces